Below is a list of various magazines, press stories, webzines, publications, blogs and web sites that I’ve been published in or contributed to over the years. Web links are shown, if available, so why not buy / download a copy to keep these resources alive. Also, if you are a writer, then why not look these publications up yourself and maybe submit some of your own work.
Magazines / webzines:
Golem Green Magazine
Poems: October 7, girl in the back of a truck (Issue 2)
The Seventh Quarry
Poems: House Martins, Bay Day (Issue 25/Feb 2017)
Poems: Elephant, Bandi
Apricot Press
Poem: shapeshifter
The Journal
Poem: The mudcrawlers (Issue 67 /77, Nov 2022)
Poems: Human Nature, Over weekend washed cobbles (Issue 50, Spring 2017)
Poem: Sirhowy
WordCity Lit
Poem: Every room is another room
The Red Fern
Poem: Goshawk
Africa Dreams
Poems: Etosha to Okavango, Cabinda
SW Evening Post
Red Poets
Poems: From Ponty to Port Elizabeth, Sabi, The Phoenix Capsule, My Hometown, Bike in the River Taff (plus images from SFL), Flatmates, Hard, Socially Distanced God, Ain’t Got No Cymru, Lorca
Magazine covers: #16, #20 and #27
Dreich Magazine
Issue: ‘Home’ / 4 photographs to accompany Mike Jenkins’s poems
Culture Matters
Poem: Pandemic
Onward / Ymlaen
Poem: Albert & Ernie
appears in ‘Onward / Ymlaen’ an anthology of radical poetry from contemporary Wales, edited by Mike Jenkins
Frogpond Journal
haiku in 42.4 issue
Interview with Ceri Shaw about my writing career and new book (2019)
Interview about the release of my first crime thriller (2011)
Modern Haiku
haiku in 51:1 issue
Nine Muses Poetry
Poems: ‘River Wye Weekend’, ‘Pills’ (Jan 2020)
Under the Basho
haiku in ‘Under The Basho’ 2019
Hedgerow Haiku
haiku in #127 issue
Active Muse
(Commonwealth Writers)
Poems: Eve at Rest Bay, Embrace the space between
Nominated for ‘Best of the Net 2018 – 2019’
British Haiku Journal
haiku in #August issue
Wales Haiku Journal
Two haiku in #Spring 2018
Chapel FM Radio
Writing On Air
Poems: Marrakech, Square
Poetry Super Highway
Featured Poet of the Week (March 6-12, 2017)
Poem: R.I.P. John Thomas
‘Between These Shores‘
Literary and Arts Annual (Autumn 2017)
Poem: October Again
The Dawntreader (part of Indigo Dreams Publishing)
Poems: My Town, October Again, plus 3 haiku
Celtic Life International
Review: Wales Trails (Nov/Dec 2016)
Following in the footsteps of George Clooney, Ewan McGregor and Catherine Zeta-Jones, the April 2016, website edition, of this quality Canadian magazine sees a great article on Dave and the Welsh Poetry Competition. (March/April 2014)
Dream Catcher
Review: Roadkill by Gillian Drake (in Issue 32)
Roundyhouse Magazine
Review: Sawing Fallen Logs For Ladybird Houses by Agnes Meadows (in Issue 44)
Poems: Lion is 50 Bob, By-Pass, RIP John Thomas
haiku in issue #17 & #24
English Chicago Review
Poem: Terrace (in Issue 4)
Prole, Poetry and Prose
Poem: Heard Yesterday (in Issue 11)
Volume Magazine
Poem: Terminal (in Vol 10)
Morgen Bailey Blog
Poems: Hospital bed, Llangors
The Heron’s Nest
haiku in #December issue
HQ Poetry Magazine
Poem: Sunday Morning, two haiku in #39 & #40
(Irish Haiku Society Journal) two haiku in #19
haiku in #45
Gold Dust Magazine
Poem: Green Grass (Issue 31)
Poems: Like Pitta Bread, October Again (Issue 30)
Poem: Girl from Albany Road
Review: Sawing Fallen Logs For Ladybird Houses
haiku in #12
Ink, Sweat & Tears
Poems: Bobby, Merthyr Bus Stop, Quite early one morning
Poems: Kris cross, Human Nature, Death in Fiji
Monkey Kettle
Poem: Toothless
Bolts of Silk
Poems: Over weekend washed cobbles, a Penguin in Cardiff
Origami Condom
Poem: With a Yes and a No
The Beat
Poem: Skip a Beat
Read This Magazine
Poems: Grinding Down, Afternoon Shift
Gloom Cupboard
Poems: A Kenyan Accident, 41 Ladysmith Rd
Inclement magazine
Poems: Grab, Rev Jones returns home early from Fiji, Bundle
Spark Bright
Poem: Africa
Poem: Hope
Square magazine/Pure Poetry
Poems: A Kenyan Accident, Bobby, With a Yes and a No, 41 Ladysmith Rd, Fragment, Now and Then
Prose: Global Warning
Bottom of the World
Poems: Boats, Miners Dog, Glazed Olives, Human Nature
Poetry Scotland/Open Mouse
Poems: Wordsworth in 2006, Boats
BBC Sport
Column on regional rugby fiasco
Pontypridd pubs review
Great Writing
A few poems online here
Tontine Student Newspaper (University of Edinburgh)
Poems: 41 Ladysmith Rd, Afternoon Shift
New Magazine (African Dreams)
Poem: A Kenyan Accident
Never Bury Poetry
Poem: Bobby
Pontypridd Observer
Former columnist
BBC Scrum V
Former web producer / online journalist
Former blogger / rugby writer
Some poets love to perform, others can take it or leave it. To be honest I always feel I’m a better listener than a reader. I also prefer to read poetry when I’m all alone, in the corner of a quiet pub, with the cold, winter wind howling outside, a nice, big log fire burning and a cool pint of HPA real ale in front of me.
John Cooper Clarke is a great performance poet of course while JH Prynne does not give poetry readings, does not appear in anthologies and is never nominated for prizes. Each to his own I say.
I wrote the poem below in response to the argument over whether to ‘perform’ or not. You can hopefully see where the emphasis goes 😉
In my experience, some poets are great writers, some are great performers, only a few, very rare individuals are both. I’d prefer to be the former if given a choice.
Some Poets
Some poets like to SHOUT!
Some prefer a delicate whisper.
Some poets like to make a f u s s
contorting faces like crumpled paper.
Some poets like to move their hands
while others d A n C e and shake their feet.
Some poets like to make you laugh 🙂
while others d r i p death down your street,
but I just like to write
words like raindrop and reflects
…and puppies, tears and cage and yet…
It’s always your scalpel that dissects.
I have read my work at various events. Here are a few I can remember, although I know there’s been a fair few more:
Swansea & District Writers Circle, Civic Centre, Swansea
Poetry talk, plus poems: Various ‘tweets‘ from SFL
Voices From The Bridge, Pontypridd Museum
Poems: Heard Yesterday, Until Tomorrow, The Patriot, 800
Poems & Pints, Gartholwg, Church Village
Poems: RIP John Thomas, What could the world say, What took you so long?, Eighty-five year old man…
RCT Literature Festival, Penygraig
Poems: Empty Basket, Tweet
Red Poets, Owain Glyndwr, Cardiff
Poems: The Phoenix Capsule
Red Poets, Imperial Hotel, Merthyr
Poems: Macro
John Evans Creative Writing, CYB, Pontypridd
Poems: various
I don’t enter many competitions but if I do it’s usually because I like the judge. The problem with many contests though is that they use filter judges which means that while your work might well appeal to the main judge unfortunately they never get to see it. I suppose I should enter a lot more than I do, maybe when I retire…
In 2024, I bagged a runner-up spot in the Rhys Davies Short Story Competition with Pacyderm Hiraeth. The anthology of winners is published by Parthian Books.
I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2023/24 for my poetry collection, Algorithm.
My short story, Pacyderm Hiraeth, was longlisted in the V.S. Pritchett Short Story Prize 2024.
In 2022 I managed the top 12% in the Bridport Prize with The mudcrawlers.
My poem Domestic Bliss was long-listed for the Segora Poetry Competition 2020, judged by Martyn Crucefix.
My poetry collection Going Off Grid was a finalist in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards 2018 and gained a score of 39/40 from 17 different judges!
I’d like to enter more poetry contests, but I’m not sure my work is that appealing. I entered ‘The New Writer – Poetry Competition‘ in 2010, judged by Helen Ivory, and managed a specially commended spot with my poem, Learning in Gaps, which appears in Sawing Fallen Logs For Ladybird Houses.
I also entered the Rhys Davies Short Story competition in 2009 with the first short story I ever wrote. I managed to get a runner-up spot there as well, which was good.
‘…the world of Onions is an enclosed one; specifically, a valleys curry-house at a weekend, in which we witness the clash of several disparate cultures, all of which the writer powerfully evokes with the briefest of sketches. The epiphanic moment at the story’s close is expertly done: the headlights of a passing car beam into the restaurant, and ‘the people were lit up, momentarily, clear as diamonds [and] Mohammed could see for the first time in his life’. A remarkably controlled piece of work.’ – Judges: Niall Griffiths & Stevie Davies
‘Onions’ appears in Urban Birdsong alongside two other stories I wrote at that time. I’ve only written one other since then!
Maybe I’ll enter some more in future.